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At The Global College, students are deeply immersed in impactful CAS projects that not only benefit the community but also enhance their own learning journeys.

These projects are carefully selected to resonate with their values, offering opportunities to cultivate skills such as entrepreneurship while addressing both strengths and weaknesses.

Selecting a compelling Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) Project can pose challenges. Throughout the IB Diploma Programme, students are encouraged to undertake CAS Projects or Experiences over the course of two years, aligning with the pillars of Creativity, Activity, and Service.

The Global College empowers students with the necessary resources, encouragement, and mentorship to initiate and execute their projects independently, fostering growth in both academic and personal spheres.

From publishing literary works to volunteering in Cambodia, the spectrum of projects at The Global College is diverse and impactful. Here’s a glimpse into some of the CAS activities shaping our community:

“Microrrelatos en el Ring”: A Creative Writing Endeavor in Spanish

Claudia and Natalia kickstarted the “Escritura Creativa” club, which evolved into a venture to author and publish a book, now bearing an ISBN. Dubbed “Microrrelatos en el Ring” (Short Stories in the Ring), the book chronicles tales of their inaugural year at the College.

Profits from sales support TuuuLibreria, a charitable bookstore promoting inclusive reading opportunities.


SAMO Literary & Visual Arts Magazine: Fostering Creativity

SAMO Visual & Literary Arts Magazine was conceived to inspire a community of budding artists and entrepreneurs.

Under the leadership of Daniela, Celia, and Sofia, the magazine serves as a platform to showcase creative works and encourages student submissions, fostering a vibrant artistic community.


Fundraising for Cambodia: A Volunteer Initiative

Following a volunteering stint in Cambodia, students initiated a fundraising campaign to aid in building homes and promoting education in rural farming communities.

Led by Catalina, Laura, Martina, Celia, and Pedro, the initiative has garnered over 10,000€ in support, with a focus on the Obrum Education Project.


CSF: Volunteering for Impact

The CSF Volunteering Initiative, spearheaded by Jinte and Matilda, orchestrates food drives to assist those in need during critical times. Their recent efforts provided aid to Morocco earthquake victims, showcasing the power of collective action in making a positive difference.


Blockchain Club: Exploring Innovative Technologies

The Blockchain Club delves into cutting-edge Blockchain technology, culminating in the creation of the TGC Token.

Led by Niccolo, Oliver, and the Mathematics Lead, the club aims to leverage this token within the school ecosystem for non-monetary exchanges, fostering a deeper understanding of emerging technologies and their potential applications.