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For the past two years, The Global College has proudly partnered with the NGO SAUCE to organize the Cambodia Volunteering Program. This initiative reflects our long-term commitment to making a difference, as a group of IBDP2 students travel each year to Cambodia to work closely with local communities. Their work spans various areas, including farming, rice planting, and participating in educational and social programs for children and people with disabilities.

This year, our students had the unique opportunity to spend time with Kike Figaredo, the founder of SAUCE, during their volunteer activities. Engaging directly with the community allowed them to experience a different culture and understand the value of empathy and service. Working alongside local residents not only helped our students develop practical skills but also gave them a deeper appreciation for Cambodia’s rich heritage and the importance of solidarity.

Inspired by their time in Cambodia, our students are planning to launch a fundraising campaign this fall to continue supporting these communities. Their experiences in Cambodia have not only broadened their perspectives but also reinforced their commitment to creating a positive impact wherever they go.