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The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme is renowned for its academic rigour. But for some students, the image conjured might be one of lab coats and bubbling beakers – a program solely focused on the sciences. Here at The Global College, we want to dispel that myth! The IB program offers a wealth of flexibility, allowing students to explore their passions and develop a well-rounded skill set across a diverse range of subjects.

Explore Your Passions: Flexible IB Subject Groups at The Global College 

The IB program requires students to select six subjects from six different subject groups. This ensures a broad and balanced education, but crucially, it also allows for significant student choice. Let’s delve into the subject groups offered at TGC and explore the possibilities:

  • Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature:

    Hone your communication and analytical skills in English, Spanish, or French, delving into the world of literature and language acquisition.

  • Group 2: Language Acquisition:

    Collaboration between students at The Global CollegeExpand your horizons and communication skills by learning a new language, or deepen your understanding of an existing one. TGC offers English, Spanish, French, and German, with the possibility of exploring other languages in collaboration with the school.

  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies:

    Explore the complexities of the human experience and the world around us. This group encompasses subjects like Business Management, Economics, History, Psychology, and Environmental Systems and Societies, allowing you to delve into areas like global issues, human behaviour, and the intricacies of business.

  • Group 4: Sciences:

    For those with a scientific curiosity, this group offers subjects like Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science. Here, you’ll develop critical thinking skills, delve into scientific theories, and gain hands-on experience through experimentation and analysis.

  • Group 5: Mathematics:

    Flex your mathematical muscles! This group offers two pathways: Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches, and Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation. Both options will develop your problem-solving skills and critical thinking, while catering to different learning styles and interests.

  • Group 6: The Arts:

    Students at The Global College taking a class in filmEmbrace your creativity! This group allows you to explore Visual Arts or Film, fostering your artistic expression and critical analysis of creative works. And remember, Spanish Literature and Performance can also fulfil this group’s requirement, allowing you to explore the world of literature from a performance-based perspective.

Beyond Subject Choice: A Holistic Education

The IB program offers more than just subject selection. In addition to your chosen subjects, you’ll also engage in the core requirements of Theory of Knowledge (exploring the nature of knowledge itself), the Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) project, and the Extended Essay, which allows you to delve deeply into a research topic of your choice.

Benefits of Flexibility: Building Well-Rounded Individuals

The flexibility offered by the IB program at TGC empowers you to create a personalised learning experience. You can tailor your subject choices to align with your academic strengths, interests, and future aspirations. This holistic approach fosters not just subject-specific knowledge, but also critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills – all essential for success in university and beyond.

The Takeaway: Unleashing Your Potential

The flexibility of subject choices at The Global College Madrid empowers you to design your own academic journey. Whether you’re a science enthusiast, a budding writer, or a future entrepreneur, TGC provides the tools and opportunities to explore your passions and unleash your full potential. So, ditch the stereotypes – the IB Diploma Programme at TGC offers a world of possibilities beyond the Bunsen burner.